Jcrabapple 💙 jcrabapple@dmv.community

Open on dmv.community

DMV.Community admin.

Elder Millennial. Husband. Father of 4. Dog owner. IT Professional. Tech enthusiast. Music lover.

Grew up in MD, living in VA with my wife, 3 youngest daughters, and our 2 dogs.

Find me on Signal:

XMPP: jcrabapple@omg.lol

My photo portfolio:

PFP by https://fosstodon.org/@joel


0mega ☣ [pl] @crt0mega@www.c-r-t.tk

Pronomen: er/sein (he/his)

Linux Gamer, Hobbyprogrammierer, Hardwarebastler. Betreibe einige private Dienste auf einem Low Budget Server. Facebookverweigerer und Fan dezentraler Systeme.