CloudFlonk OH.MG

For the record, I didn't want to do it

I’ve needed to swap OH.MG over to CloudFlare for DNS, as I’ve been moving all my old tings over to here on a their own subdomains and redirecting the old domain to this site, I realised that a couple of the things that I need to move kind of have to have the CloudFlare proxy.

It’s not ideal, and genuinely I am sad that I had to move off from Hurricane Electric, but alas it had to be done.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think they’re evil, but you can start with good intentions then end up a mega giant online and turn evil like AOL and Google did. I also find their trackers in places I really don’t want them when I deploy a site using the CDN.

What is does now mean is that all the mirrors are going to start nesting under the domain instead of their own domains. There is of course one exception there which I’m not sure if the host will accept it without causing issues.