Hijab vs no Hijab: Proof that Hijab still works, even today

This was enough to change my thinking on Hijab. The video was undeniable.

I used to think Hijab as a not-so-logical thing in Islam. Anyone not educated enough about Islamic philosophy can easily mock a Burka and see it as unnecessary in modern society. But my view has changed. One of the videos that made me rethink is this one:

“10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman in Hijab” by Karim Jovian

The premise of the video is simple.

The same girl walks in a city in a western country for hours. Half of the time without Hijab in modern clothes, half of the time with Hijab. Guess what happens?

She gets teased endlessly without Hijab. But when she wears Hijab, the teasing stops. Almost nobody bothers her.

That challenged my thinking.

Someone might think Hijab is just for show and has no function. But the same problems that were present in the old days are present now as well. It is kind of like vim. It is old, but it solves the same problems we had before, navigating text faster without moving fingers too much. So the same tool is used even today to solve the same problem.

We’re humans after all. We have same instincts as our ancestors. As you can see in the first video, Hijab protects women from attracting unwanted attention of males. Hijab protected her in this case from being harassed.

It’s like if harassment is fire and someone just suffocated that fire with Hijab. It seems to be working, at least in this video.

Although this is made by Karim Jovian, a Muslim, so some might say why should we trust it? Go ahead, do the experiment safely yourself and see if it works.

Yeah, Hijab does not work 100% of the time. A lock does not work 100% of the time either. But we don’t say, “Let me just keep the door unlocked while we sleep since locks can be picked by any experienced thief anyways.” LOL

Think about what it can do to society. If more women wear Hijab, would it not reduce harassment?

This argument makes Burka not stupid. If it works and people wear it willingly - why would it be stupid? If something has a purpose, why bother trying to reject it?

If a hammer is old tech but still serves a purpose, is hammer stupid all of a sudden?

Some say but why women only? Why shouldn’t men wear it too? But men do wear it, even though it is not strictly mandatory. Shocking, right? More details later.

Now to another issue. What do you think, feminists left Hijab alone? Of course not!

Here is another video demystifying claims made by a female speaker in a TEDx talk. She claimed there is no mention of “Hijab” in the Quran. It is true that the Quran does not mention the word “Hijab” directly, but it has mentioned a similar thing in a different name, “Khimar”, which means “head covering, veil”. See the video for details:

“There is NO Hijab in the Quran? (Brilliant Response)” by OnePath Network

Additionally, I totally agree with the point in 2:08. Modesty is modesty. Culture and society is always changing. If culture and society defined modesty, what if nudists became common one day? Would everybody roam around naked? Will that be the new “modesty”?

Another talking point that feminists use is that Hijab is used to oppress women. But Hijab is there for Muslim males as well:

It is not uncommon for non-Muslims and even many Muslims to associate the Islamic commandments on Hijab with females, even though Islam has ordained Hijab for both men and women. In fact, many of us would be surprised to note that Allah states in the Holy Qur’an: “Tell the believing men to cast down their looks and guard their private parts; that is purer for them; surely Allah is Aware of what they do. And tell the believing women that they cast down their looks and guard their private parts and do not display their ornaments except what appears thereof….” (24:30-31) Indeed, before addressing women and telling them to conceal their bodies, Allah first addresses the believing men and tells us to lower our gaze!

It is not unusual to see a middle eastern Muslim male covering their head and neck and as much of the body as possible. I think this quote from the above article will sum it up nicely:

Yet although it may not be obligatory on men to completely conceal our bodies like it is for women, the issue of modesty and humility cannot be neglected. Pride and boastfulness are among the greatest sins in Islam, and attempting to impress others (both males and females) using our physique and attracting attention to ourselves in such a manner certainly falls into this category.

Again, the Golden Rule comes into play here: next time you go out in public wearing clothes that reveal your chest and biceps so that girls can check you out, imagine how you would feel if your own sister or wife was checking out other men who were dressed in a similar manner. The answer should be obvious.

So if Hijab is torture and men are wearing it too (although different style for different gender is a requirement in Islam), both men and women are getting tortured then? LOL

Another point being, it is not mandatory for men. If it was torture, why would they wear it still?

Feminists don’t understand that most Muslim women wear Hijab by their will, to maintain modesty and to protect themselves, which are both great causes to me.

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