Articles tagged "Plume"

⁂ Que es el Fediverso y que lo diferencia de Mastodon y otras plataformas libres

Что не хватало в Mastodon

Краткая заметка о миграции на Plume


Plume 0.7.1 is out

Email sign-up feature and more

Plume 0.7.0 is out!

Mastodon integration improved


Fediverse Advent Calendar 2021の1日目の記事を運用してみての所感

如何在 Plume 嵌入讚賞鍵


Plume Development 2021-04-13

Preparing the next release v0.7.0

Plume Development 2021-03-29

Command to remove duplicated images

Pluming for freedom

A bit under the hood

Plume Development 2021-02-22

Fix of image explosion problem and documentation improvement