Tom Goldoin tgoldoin

Plus j’aime l’informatique, moins j’aime ce que l’on en fait.
Membre de l’association Deuxfleurs où on essaye d’imaginer un internet convivial.

Aussi sur Mastodon et Twitter


Christian Pietsch 🍑

Bis zum 19. Januar 2024 war ich @chpietsch.

Tagsüber arbeite ich an der #UniBielefeld, wo ich z.B. an der wissenschaftlichen Suchmaschine @base mitarbeite und mich mit @askopenscience für #OpenScience einsetze.

Nachts mache ich manchmal noch Sachen bei @digitalcourage.


Hi there! I’m a seasoned #blogger with over two decades of experience. I started blogging on LiveJournal back in 2000, sharing my thoughts and experiences with the world. Over the years, I’ve honed my writing skills and built a dedicated following. In 2020, I took the leap and started #hosting my content on my own #server. Now, I have full control over my #blog and the freedom to express myself in my own unique way. Join me on my blogging journey as I continue to share my #thoughts, ideas, and experiences with the world. #fedi22


OSINT, CTI, tools for thought, adict to graphs and python scripts. ISO 3103 compliant.

Love to learn, learning is the beginning towards becoming a better human.

Not an English native, hope I don't sound too harsh.

He/him - 28 - Cyber Threat Analyst @ Vade


souvent derrière un guidon ou une assiette. ou les 2!

Jaxom Kaplan

Explorateur de possibles numériques, entre énergies renouvelables et citoyens.

Motto: "Without documentation, it didn't happen."


i thought it was ok. 🦧


The Institute for Technology in the Public Interest (TITiPI) is a trans-practice gathering of activists, artists, engineers and theorists ran by Miriyam Aouragh, Seda Gürses, Helen Pritchard and Femke Snelting. TITiPI generates currently inexistant vocabularies, methodologies and imaginaries for articulating, activating and re-imagining the way that "Digital Transformation" impacts the capacity of public institutions.



Travailleur du numérique, pratique le jeu de rôle.

Je ne CW pas beaucoup mais j'essaye de m'améliorer. Aidez-moi


Féminerveuse, Anarchiste, Racisée, Musulmane, Anti-Fa, Pan/Bie, Handie et fière de l'être (des fois je dessine un peu)



computer science researcher (at Inria, Toccata team) · working on programming languages and verification · Coq, Iris, OCaml, hitting enemies with a large stick in Dark Souls